
LeiKoSi on “The Lion’s Den

Udo Heyl, Gründer LeiKoSi an einem Infostand

In the spring 2020 season of “Die Höhle der Löwen,” CEO Udo Heyl presented his ladder head safety device (LeiKoSi).

In this format, young entrepreneurs and inventors get a chance at the biggest opportunity of their lives. The lions are successful entrepreneurs from various segments who, as potential investors, are always on the lookout for new innovative ideas. Well-known investors include Ralf Dümmel, Carsten Maschmeyer, Judith Williams, Dr. Georg Kofler and, more recently, Nico Rosberg.

The lions were thrilled with our ingenious ladder safety system. However, a deal did not materialize because we rejected Georg Kofler’s offer.

The reason for this was the unsuitable offer, in which we would have had to cede 30 percent of our company share, for the consideration of 250,000 euros, to Kofler.

If you want to get a short summary and an overview of our performance, you can watch the summary as well as a video excerpt on the page of VOX.

Click here to go to vox.de

Nevertheless, it was a great honor and a huge added value for our company to have been part of the Founders’ Show.

The shooting was a lot of fun and it was an exciting and interesting time in which we all gained immense experience. With this in mind, we would like to take this opportunity to once again thank the Lions and all those involved.

Under the following links you will find more reports about our appearance on DHDL:



